Axel, mich hat es noch nie genervt! Ich finde es gerade hier im Forum sehr entspannt und gegenüber anderen Foren ohne großes Gezacker!!! Genau so sollte es auch bleiben! Wenn mir ein Post nicht passt, kann ich es doch einfach ignorieren und sag nichts dazu! Hier aber so einen Aufriss zu starten finde ich total daneben!

Supermoto-WM 2016, die eh keinen interessiert
Ich werd mal dem Murkser fragen ob er ned ne eigene Rubrik für unentspannte Werxfahrer oder WM-Zuschauer mit dickem Stamm im Darm anlegen kann.
Dasss ich jetzt selbst dem Axel nerve ehrt mich bißl.
Lurchi, ich bin enttäuscht das Du mich beim Ü40 WM Lauf in St. Wendel nicht besucht hast
Wo ich schon direkt beim neuen Saarland Talent plaziert war, da bist jetzt in Ungnade gefallen
seufz, ach Kinners... Spaß und derbe Kommentare gerne, aber ..
muss man den jeden informativen Fred zerlabern ?
es gibt doch wirklich genug Platz im 4rum für geistige Ergüsse der besonderen Art...
wenn ich lowlevel und Titten will kauf ich mir die Bildzeitung -
bei dem Fredtitel sollte man schon mit gedämpften Erwartungen in den Fred einsteigen.
Titel wurde anscheinend zurecht gewählt ....
aber es wäre sicher witzig einen Lurch im Kostüm auf ES bei der WM am Start zu sehen
mach mal *daumenhoch*11.September in Össiland ist ja nicht so weit weg von dir
Zitat von justdoit #8
seufz, ach Kinners... Spaß und derbe Kommentare gerne, aber ..
muss man den jeden informativen Fred zerlabern ?
es gibt doch wirklich genug Platz im 4rum für geistige Ergüsse der besonderen Art...
wenn ich lowlevel und Titten will kauf ich mir die Bildzeitung
Titten würden diesem Fred nur gut tun!!!! -
Dem Marc Reiner einen Glückwunsch zum ersten WM-Lauf Gewinn und zum zweiten Platz in der Gesamtwertung.
Zitat von Sch%ppe
Lass dir mal den Stock ziehen!!!Sorry, ich hab nicht mal ansatzweise nen Stock im Arsch.
Ein Lurch oder sonst wer, darf zu jedem Fred was schreiben, ob mit Sinn oder Unsinn.
Aber es gab ja in diesem Fred schon den ein oder anderen Kommentar zur WM, der zu Diskussionen führte. Und im Forum wird genug Käse geschrieben, was ja auch gut ist ich bin ja auch mit dabei.
Doch die sportliche Leistung der aktiven Fahrer sollte man nicht ins lächerliche ziehen, denn die haben es schon schwer genug den Sport zu betreiben / zu finanzieren. Wir sollten sie eher in ihrem Bestreben unterstützen und nicht demotivieren oder ihre Leistungen schlecht machen.
Sorry so sehe ich es. -
Dennis, hier hat keiner die Leistung der aktiven Fahrer ins lächerliche gezogen! Die WM an sich ist lächerlich (oder das was daraus gemacht wurde)!
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Fredentstockisierungspär -
Zitat von Lurchi
[Blockierte Grafik:]
Hey Lurch der erste gute Post von dir. -
Externer Inhalt von externen Seiten werden ohne Ihre Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.Good Job, Mr. Schmidt.
Aktueller WM-Stand:
1 CHAREYRE Thomas FRA 145
2 SCHMIDT Marc Reiner GER 127
3 KEJMAR Pavel CZE 120
5 GIMENEZ David ESP 92 -
Polen GP
Race 1:
2 SCHMIDT Marc Reiner GER TM
3 HOLLBACHER Lukas AUT Husqvarna
5 GIMENEZ David ESP Suzuki
6 HERNANDEZ Jose Luis ESP Suzuki
7 CODINA PLAZA Ignasi ESP Husaberg
8 GIANOLA Gabriele ITA Yamaha
9 LITA Marius ROU Suzuki
10 TRAISTARU Sorin ROU Husqvarna
11 MANCZAK Wojciech POL TM -
Race 2:
1 SCHMIDT Marc Reiner GER
7 GIANOLA Gabriele ITA
9 LITA Marius ROU
11 MANCZAK Wojciech POL -
Lauf 1:
2 BUSSEI Giovanni ITA TM
3 VORLICEK Petr CZE Suzuki
4 CIAGLIA Luca ITA Honda
6 PROMUTICO Lorenzo ITA Honda
8 FAGRE Kevin SWE Yamaha
9 PALS Patrik EST TM
10 GUILLOIS Emerick MTQ Honda
11 ASNICAR Alessandro ITA Yamaha
12 LESKOW Pavel POL Husqvarna
13 PERIS Oriol ESP Suzuki
14 ZURALSKI Jedrzej POL Husqvarna
2 BUSSEI Giovanni ITA TM
4 VORLICEK Petr CZE Suzuki
5 CIAGLIA Luca ITA Honda
6 PALS Patrik EST TM
7 FAGRE Kevin SWE Yamaha
9 ASNICAR Alessandro ITA Yamaha
10 LESKOW Pavel POL Husqvarna
11 PERIS Oriol ESP Suzuki
12 GUILLOIS Emerick MTQ Honda
15 ZURALSKI Jedrzej POL Husqvarna
16 PROMUTICO Lorenzo ITA Honda
WM Stand:
1.CHAREYRE Thomas (FRA, TM) 188 pts
2. SCHMIDT Marc Reiner (GER, TM) 174 pts
3.HOLLBACHER Lukas (AUT, Husqvarna) 158 pts
4. KEJMAR Pavel (CZE, KTM) 158 pts
5. GIMENEZ David (ESP, Suzuki) 124 pts
6. HERNANDEZ Jose Luis (ESP, Suzuki) 104 pts
7. LITA Marius (ROU, Suzuki) 66 pts
8. DERIDDER Lionel (BEL, KTM) 59 pts
9. TRAISTARU Sorin (ROU, Husqvarna) 36 pts
10.KINGELIN ASSERI (FIN, Aprilia) 55 ptsEM:
1.VORLICEK Petr (CZE, Suzuki) 179 Pts
2. SITNIANSKY Milan (CZE, Honda) 163 pts
3. BUSSEI Giovanni (ITA, TM) 131 pts
4. KAIVERS Romain (BEL, KTM) 116 pts
5. PROMUTICO Lorenzo (ITA, Honda) 115 pts
6.FAGRE Kevin (SWE, Yamaha) 114 pts
7. LLADOS Joan (ESP, TM) 112 pts
8. CIAGLIA Luca (ITA. Honda) 106 pts
9. MONTICELLI Diego 89 pts
10. STAMBECK John (SWE, Yamaha) 76 ptsZitat
Poznan (Poland) 17 July 2016 – In cloudy and later sunny warm conditions Marc-Reiner Schmidt won his first race ever in the S1GP Championship in front of the spectators in Poznan, while Milan Sitniansky took his first win of the season in the S2 European championship.
When the lights turned green for the first race of the S1GP class it was World championship leader TM Factory Racing rider Thomas Chareyre who was fastest in the first corner of the highspeed track in Poznan. Right behind Chareyre it was MTR KTM rider Pavel Kejmar in second place before Husqvarna rider Lukas Höllbacher and Degalosine Motorsport rider Marc-Reiner Schmidt. Chareyre managed to create a gap to his opponents in the first few laps of the race, while Lukas Höllbacher slowly closed in on Pavel Kejmar together with Marc-Reiner Schmidt. In lap 9 Höllbacher managed to pass Kejmar in the fast section of the part and took second position. Kejmar wasn’t giving up and was right behind Höllbacher trying to pass him back. Meanwhile race leader Thomas Chareyre was extending his lead to almost four seconds and was already passing the first backmarkers. Spanish Suzuki Grau rider David Gimenez was having a lonely race on place five, before teammate Jose-Luis Hernandez and Ignasi Codina. On lap 12 Pavel Kejmar tried to overtake Lukas Höllbacher, but the Austrian rider closed the door making both riders crash into the tarmac. Marc-Reiner Schmidt was right behind the two battling riders and took over second place which he held until the end of the race. Höllbacher and Kejmar took their bikes up and restarted the race on place three and four, still in front of David Gimenez. The fight for the lead and second place in the race was over as Thomas Chareyre controlled the race and Marc-Reiner Schmidt couldn’t find any extra speed to close the gap. For third place it was still very close as Höllbacher and Kejmar kept on fighting lap after lap, jump after jump, but the Austrian rider Höllbacher didn’t make any mistake and kept his third place on to the finish line to complete the podium. At the finish only 5 riders where still in the same lap as the winner of the race, TM Factory racing rider Thomas Chareyre. Polish home rider Woiciech Manczak had to retire after the warming up lap due to an injury on his right leg.
S1GP Race 2
At the start of the second race, the weather conditions started to get very warm and humid which made the circumstances even harder for the riders on the fast track. This time it was MTR KTM rider Pavel Kejmar who was fastest in the first corner followed by Degasoline Motorsport rider Marc-Reiner Schmidt and the current leader in the championship Thomas Chareyre. Husqvarna rider Lukas Höllbacher and Suzuki Grau rider David Gimenez completed the top five who already created a gap with the rest of the field after a few corners. In lap two Thomas Chareyre made a mistake at the entrance of the off-road section and felt back to sixth place, but soon was able to pass the riders in front of him making him quickly go back to fourth position. In front Pavel Kejmar couldn’t enjoy this leading position for long as he received a stop&go penalty for a false start and had to stop, making him fall back to fourth place, just behind Thomas Chareyre. Because of the stop&go from Kejmar, Marc-Reiner Schmidt took over the lead in the race, followed on a few meters by Austrian rider Lukas Höllbacher. In lap five Kejmar took over the third position from Chareyre and showed that his good start was no coincidence. Behind the top four, Suzuki Grau rider David Gimenez was riding his own race in fifth position in front Ignasi Codina, who passed Suzuki Grau rider Jose-Luis Hernandez in lap 4. In the lead it was still Marc-Reiner Schmidt in front of Lukas Höllbacher. The young German rider didn’t make mistakes and kept his speed up high, giving Höllbacher no chance to get closer to him. Höllbacher had to settle for second, while Pavel Kejmar kept the current World championship leader behind him and finished in third position. Thomas Chareyre (4th) and David Gimenez (5th)completed the top five of the second race in Poznan. With his win in the second race, Marc-Reiner Schmidt won the GrandPrix of Poland, his first ever win of his S1GP career. Thomas Chareyre finished in second and Lukas Höllbacher completed the podium in third.
After the rain in the morning the first race of the day in the S2 class started under cloudy weather conditions. The organisation did a great job and prepared the off-road section so that it could be used for the race. When the light dropped it was TMS Honda rider Milan Sitniansky who took the hole shot, before Union Bike TM rider Giovanni Bussei who was back after his injury. Behind Bussei it was TM Factory Racing rider Diego Monticelli who took third place before current European championship leader Petr Vorlicek. Gazza Racing rider Luca Ciaglia completed the top five. The speed in the beginning of the race from Milan Sitniansky was very good and the Czech rider soon managed to get away from his opponents. In lap three disaster struck for Diego Monticelli as he had to retire from the race with a broken suspension. As Monticelli had to retire, Suzuki Grau rider Petr Vorlicek took over third place just before Luca Ciaglia and Belgium KTM MTR rider Romain Kaivers. In front of the race Milan Sitniansky didn’t make any mistakes and kept the speed high to finish the race in first with a gap of more than nine seconds to second place rider Giovanni Bussei, who showed he didn’t lose any speed while he was injured. Czech rider Petr Vorlicek finished in third place making the podium complete for this first S2 race, taking valuable points for the championship. Luca Ciaglia and Romain Kaivers were all race close to each other, but the Italian Gazza rider Ciaglia didn’t give Kaivers any chance to pass on him making him fourth in the race and while Kaivers had to settle for fifth position.
S2 Race 2
The hole shot in the second race of the S2 class was for Union Bike TM rider Giovanni Bussei in front of TMS Honda rider Milan Sitniansky and TM Factory Racing rider Diego Monticelli. The top three was followed by Petr Vorlicek while TM Factory Racing rider Joan Llados completed the top five. In the beginning of the race all riders of the top five were within one second from each other, making it a great race to watch for the spectators. In lap 7 second man Milan Sitniansky made a small mistake and was passed by Diego Monticelli and Petr Vorlicek making him fall back to fourth position in the race just in front of Joan Llados. Behind the top five Gazza Racing riders Luca Ciaglia, Lorenzo Promutico and Emerick Guillois were having a close battle with Belgium MTR KTM rider Romain Kaivers for sixth place. In front European championship leader Petr Vorlicek managed to pass Diego Monticelli in lap 9 and one lap later also the race leader Giovanni Bussei, but Vorlicek made a mistake in the off-road section of the track and felt back to eight position. Because of the mistake from Vorlicek, Union Bike rider Giovanni Bussei was back in the lead of the race, but also Bussei made an mistake in one of the slower corners which made him fall back to third position behind TMS Honda rider Milan Sitniansky and Diego Monticelli. In lap 17 the winner of the first race Milan Sitniansky was passed by Italian rider Diego Monticelli who showed good speed towards the end of the race. Further down the field Petr Vorlicek was trying to get back closer to the riders in front of him. A group of five riders lead by Joan Llados had a close battle until 2 laps for the end of the race. TM Factory Racing rider Joan Llados hit one of the barriers at the exit of the off-road section putting one of the barriers in the middle of the racetrack. Gazza Racing riders Lorenzo Promutico and Emerick Guillois together with Romain Kaivers couldn’t avoid the barrier and all three riders crashed. Guillois and Kaivers got back on their bikes but for Promutico the race was over. By this accident Petr Vorlicek was back in fifth position behind Joan Llados who was still in fourth. In the lead of the race, Diego Monticelli crossed the finish line in first followed by Milan Sitniansky. Giovanni Bussei completed the top three in race 2. After the race Diego Monticelli was disqualified for course cutting and was taken out of the race results which made Milan Sitniansky the winner of race 2. With this win, Sitnianksy also won this round of the European championship, his first victory of 2016. On the podium he was accompanied by Giovanni Bussei and Petr Vorlicek. -
Streckenbesichtigung Poznan, Polen.
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